by Kevin | Sep 23, 2019 | All
This week’s article tells us “to diversify, products like a fixed indexed annuity can offer balance, growth potential with principal protection, and a steady income stream during retirement.” Don’t let misconceptions derail your best solution for balance and security....
by Kevin | Sep 10, 2019 | All
I read an article the other day that, while written a few years back, seemed to resonate even more today. The author wrote “More dangerous yet is the shift in focus away from retirement income to return on investment that has come with the introduction of...
by Kevin | Sep 4, 2019 | All
It’s back to school month, and regardless “if your household doesn’t include school-age children, you can still take September as a time to reevaluate your personal development and consider areas for growth in the future. For instance, a financial health checkup is a...
by Kevin | Aug 26, 2019 | All
I came across an article from the past that caught my eye. It tells us that “Entering retirement can be a particularly jarring experience for seniors, and not only because they’re leaving behind the familiar world of work. For the change also requires a shift in one’s...
by Kevin | Aug 20, 2019 | All
This week’s article reports that “Financial matters outrank any other source of stress combined, including health and relationships.” Not surprising when so much in our lives depend on how much money we make, how much we’ve saved, and how much we will have in...