Retirement Challenges for Those in Physically Demanding Jobs

Commentary: I read about a study I thought might interest you. “This report examines the retirement readiness of people who are in physically demanding jobs. Due to the strenuous nature of their work, these workers are at risk of aging out of their occupation before...

The Role of Confidence

This week’s article discusses how owning a certain financial product can influence on an emotional level the confidence that retirees feel. Researchers interviewed “income annuity owners to provide insight into the emotional impact of guaranteed income. They found...

Grumps and Complainers

This week’s article out of London begins by telling us that in that city, known for “grumps and complainers”, a new study reveals that retirees with a guaranteed lifetime income stream can find true happiness.” This study related to Britain’s first-ever national...

What is your RISE Score?

Did you know that there is a Retirement Income Security Evaluation Score (RISE Score™) much like a credit score on a zero to 850 scale, but for your retirement. “The purpose is to provide you with an estimated measure of income security to help you determine whether...


Sometimes hindsight can provide a valuable lesson. While retirement is highly personal, I thought you might find it interesting to read the result of a study that looked back on what the financial preparations for retirement looked like. The study showed that among...